Mino Ceramics

GINZA ARTWORKSの陶器は、岐阜県土岐の職人の手によって、ひとつひとつ丁寧に作られます。1300年以上ある美濃焼の歴史のなかで、綿々と受け継がれてきた成形技術と美濃和紙を使った銅版転写。揺れるような有機的な色彩とテクスチャーが、モダンなフォルムに深みを与えます。
Ceramics by GINZA ARTWORKS are each individually crafted with meticulous care by artisans in Toki, Gifu Prefecture.The molding technique and copperplate transfer technique using Mino washi paper have been passed down from generation to generation throughout the 1,300-year-history of Mino Ware.Shimmering organic colors and textures add depth to modern silhouettes.
美濃和紙による銅板転写 | Copperplate Transfer
In this traditional ceramic painting technique, colorants are applied to a copperplate on which designs are engraved using a stylus. Washi paper is then placed over the stencil to soak up the colorants. Then the washi paper is placed on the surface of an unglazed ceramic and the design is imprinted by pressing the washi paper using a wet brush or sponge.Note: In recent years, silk screens are used instead of copperplate.

Fired once after underglaze decoration by transfer using washi paper. Fired once after the gold transfer is carried out.
Fired once again for the rim. Beautiful design accidents are born unintentionally from being fired three times.